Linear Reservoir

1 Theory

Linear Reservoir is a method and just assuming that the watershed behaves like a linear reservoir, where the outflow is proportional to the water storage within the reservoir.

\[ Q_{out} = \frac{1}{K}S(t) \tag{1}\]

In addition to their relationship with output and storage, linear reservoir models also adhere to the continuity equation, often referred to as the water balance equation.

\[ \frac{\mathrm{d}S(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} = Q_{in} - Q_{out} \tag{2}\]

By combining both equations, we obtain a differential equation (DGL).

\[ Q_{in} = Q_{out} + K\frac{\mathrm{d}Q_{out}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} \tag{3}\]

\[ Q_{out}(t)=\int_{\tau=t0}^{t}Q_{in}(\tau)\frac{1}{K}e^{-\frac{t-\tau}{K}}\mathrm{d}\tau + Q_{out}(t_0)\frac{1}{K}e^{-\frac{t-t0}{K}} \tag{4}\]


  • \(Q_{in}\) is the inflow of the reservoir
  • \(Q_{out}\) is the outflow of the reservoir
  • \(S\) is the storage of the reservoir
  • \(K\) is the parameter that defines the relationship between \(Q_{out}\) and \(S\)

2 Solution & Function

2.1 Analytical Solution

The final form of the equation under the simplifying hypothesis of linear input looks like this:

\[ Q_{out}(t_1) = Q_{out}(t_0) + (Q_{in}(t_1) - Q_{out}(t_0))\cdot (1-e^{-\frac{1}{K}}) + (Q_{in}(t_1) - Q_{in}(t_0))\cdot [1-K(1-e^{-\frac{1}{K}})] \]

linear_reservoir_Ana <- function(Q_In, Q_Out0 = 0, param_K = 1) {
  n_Step <- length(Q_In)
  Q_Out <- c(Q_Out0, rep(0, n_Step - 1))
  for (i in 2:n_Step) {
    Q_Out[i] <- Q_Out[i-1] + (Q_In[i] - Q_Out[i-1]) * (1 - exp(-1 / param_K)) + (Q_In[i] - Q_In[i-1]) * (1 - param_K * (1 - exp(-1 / param_K)))

2.2 Numerical Solution

When we simplify the difficult continuous form into a discrete form using \(\Delta S / \Delta t\) to replace \(\mathrm{d}S/\mathrm{d}t\), we can obtain the numerical (discrete) format:

\[ Q_{out}(t_1) = Q_{out}(t_0) + (Q_{in}(t_0) - Q_{out}(t_0)) \frac{1}{K + 0.5} + (Q_{in}(t_1) - Q_{in}(t_0)) \frac{0.5}{K + 0.5} \]

linear_reservoir_Num <- function(Q_In, Q_Out0 = 0, param_K = 1) {
  n_Step <- length(Q_In)
  Q_Out <- c(Q_Out0, rep(0, n_Step - 1))
  for (i in 2:n_Step) {
    Q_Out[i] <- Q_Out[i-1] + (Q_In[i-1] - Q_Out[i-1]) / (param_K + 0.5) + (Q_In[i] - Q_In[i-1]) * .5 / (param_K + 0.5)

2.3 Compare the results of both Functions

num_TestIn <- c(rep(100, 100), 0:100, rep(0,99))
num_Out_Ana <- linear_reservoir_Ana(num_TestIn, param_K = 60)
num_Out_Num <- linear_reservoir_Num(num_TestIn, param_K = 60)

gg_Test <- ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(1:300, num_TestIn, color = "Input")) +
  geom_line(aes(1:300, num_Out_Ana, color = "Output\n(Analytical)")) +
  geom_line(aes(1:300, num_Out_Num, color = "Output\n(Numerical)")) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("cyan", "red", "orange"))+
  labs(x = "Time [T]", y = "Water Flow [V/T]", color = "") 


In the test forcing data, there are constant, linear, and null input scenarios. In all three situations, the analytical and numerical solutions yield almost the same results. Therefore, we can use either of them for subsequent analysis.

3 Uncertenty Test

For every hydrological model, there are three components: Boundary Conditions (sometimes also named as forcing data), Initial Conditions, and Parameters, treated as input for the model. In the uncertainty test, we will examine these components through one-variable experiments, where one of them varies while the other two remain in the same setting.

3.1 Boundaray Condition Forcing

For the single linear reservoir, the boundary condition is the time series of the inflow \(Q_{in}(t)\) (Q_In).

In the one-variable experiment of the boundary condition, we will consider five boundary conditions, including three constants at 10, 50, and 100 [V/L], as well as an increasing (0 to 100 [V/L]) and decreasing (100 to 0 [V/L]) series.


num_BC10 <- rep(c(10,0), each = 100)
num_BC50 <- rep(c(50,0), each = 100)
num_BC100 <- rep(c(100,0), each = 100)
num_BCin <- c(0:100, rep(0,99))
num_BCde <- c(100:0, rep(0,99))

lst_BC_in <- list(num_BC10, num_BC50, num_BC100, num_BCin, num_BCde)
df_BC_in <- bind_cols(lst_BC_in) |>
names(df_BC_in) <- c("BC10", "BC50", "BC100", "BCin", "BCde")
gdf_BC_in <- reshape2::melt(df_BC_in)
gdf_BC_in$time <- 1:200
gdf_BC_in$facet <- "Q_In"

lst_BC_out <- map(lst_BC_in, linear_reservoir_Num, param_K = 60)

df_BC_out <- bind_cols(lst_BC_out) |>
names(df_BC_out) <- c("BC10", "BC50", "BC100", "BCin", "BCde")
gdf_BC_out <- reshape2::melt(df_BC_out)
gdf_BC_out$time <- 1:200
gdf_BC_out$facet <- "Q_Out"
gdf_BC <- rbind(gdf_BC_in, gdf_BC_out)
gg_BC <- ggplot(gdf_BC) +
  geom_line(aes(time, value, group = variable, color = variable)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_TUD_diskrete)+
  facet_grid(cols = vars(facet))+
  scale_alpha_manual(values = c(.6,1)) +
    labs(x = "Time [T]", y = "Water Flow [V/T]", color = "Vari (BC):") 
Figure 1: The facet labeled Q_In displays five input time series (\(Q_{in}\)) scenarios. In scenarios BC10, BC50, and BC100, the input remains constant for the initial 100 timesteps. BCin and BCde represent scenarios where the input increases and decreases, respectively, during the first 100 timesteps. Notably, BC50, BCin, and BCde scenarios all have the same total volume of 5000 [V]. The facet labeled Q_Out presents the corresponding simulated results, showcasing the model’s responses to different boundary conditions (\(Q_{in}\)).

3.2 Innitial Condition Forcing

Normally, the initial condition represents the initial state of state variables, such as the water content of the soil or the storage of the reservoir. However, in the case of a single linear reservoir, the storage of the reservoir is simplified as the variable \(Q_{out}\) (Q_Out). For this one-variable experiment, \(Q_{out}\) will vary from 10 to 90 [V/L].

lst_IC_in <- as.list(seq(10, 90, 10))
lst_IC_out <- map(lst_IC_in, linear_reservoir_Ana, Q_In = num_BC100, param_K = 60)

df_IC_out <- bind_cols(lst_IC_out) |>
gdf_IC_out <- reshape2::melt(df_IC_out)
gdf_IC_out$time <- 1:200
gdf_IC_out$variable <- rep(seq(10, 90, 10), each = 200)
gg_BC <- ggplot(gdf_IC_out) +
  geom_line(aes(time, value, group = variable, color = variable)) +
  scale_color_gradientn(colours = color_DRESDEN)+
    labs(x = "Time [T]", y = "Water Flow [V/T]", color = "Vari\n(IC):") 
Figure 2: The different initial condition \(Q_{out}(t_0)\) values result in distinct outflow time series. The line colors correspond to the values of the initial condition.

3.3 Parameter

In the case of the single linear reservoir, there is only one parameter, denoted as \(K\) (param_K). The parameter \(K\) can vary widely due to differences in the scale of the simulation domain. It has physical units of time, which can be specified in units such as seconds, hours, or days depending on the scale of the hydrological model.

lst_Param_in <- as.list(seq(10, 90, 10))
lst_Param_out <- map(lst_Param_in, linear_reservoir_Ana, Q_In = num_BC100, Q_Out0 = 0)

df_Param_out <- bind_cols(lst_Param_out) |>
gdf_Param_out <- reshape2::melt(df_Param_out)
gdf_Param_out$time <- 1:200
gdf_Param_out$variable <- rep(seq(10, 90, 10), each = 200)
gg_BC <- ggplot(gdf_Param_out) +
  geom_line(aes(time, value, group = variable, color = variable)) +
  scale_color_gradientn(colours = color_DRESDEN)+
  labs(x = "Time [T]", y = "Water Flow [V/T]", color = "Vari\n(Param):") 
Figure 3: The different parameter \(K\) values result in distinct outflow time series. The line colors correspond to the values of the parameter.

4 Labor Test

df_Labor <- read_delim("L:\\Aktuelle Vorlesungsunterlagen\\MSc Wasserhaushaltsmodellierung\\Einzellinearspeicher Teil 1\\tbl_LaborMess_LinearReservior.txt", delim = "\t")

names(df_Labor) <- c("t", "QZ", "QA")
num_Q_Sim_Ana <- linear_reservoir_Num(df_Labor$QZ, param_K =  50)
num_Q_Sim_Num <- linear_reservoir_Num(df_Labor$QZ, param_K =  50)

ggLabor <- ggplot(df_Labor) +
  geom_line(aes(t, QZ), color = "cyan") +
  geom_line(aes(t, num_Q_Sim_Ana), color = "tomato") +
  geom_line(aes(t, num_Q_Sim_Num), color = "orange") +
  geom_line(aes(t, QA), color = "blue") 